Happy New Year!!!!!!
I've had a couple of days to just chill and gather my thoughts-they seem to be running rampant lately. I'm not one for New Year's resolutions-I think they're silly and I never stick to them-but this time of year does get me thinking about changes I could incorporate in my life.
So I like to call them GOALS. I haven't actually sat and written anything out-this is on the fly-some of my random thoughts lately.
Happiness. That's a huge one I want to work on-not just for me but for members of my family. I'd love life to be more stress free and just-happier. How does one make that happen? Not sure-but it's certainly a goal-as well as healthier eating, more quality time together(game nights?),etc.
Health. Our doctor kinda sucks. We've needed a new one for years and never get around to getting a new one. That needs to be lined up and also a new pulmonologist for myself to keep up w/ my sarcoidosis. With my recent allergy testing and breathing issues it's made me a bit paranoid about torching and want to speak w/ a lung dr at length on this.
I've started a new project as well. A book set I asked for for Christmas and received from my mother in law that I've wanted for years. It's called The Artist's Way and it's basically a guide for getting unblocked as an artist and freeing your creativity. I love the premise of it but so far it sounds like it's going to require a lot of time and committment. (Setting my alarm 1/2 hr early to write 3 pages long hand of random waking thoughts? Oh my...LOL.) We'll see how this works out. It's a 12week coarse-I'm optimistic though...
OH!!-it also requires a weekly artist date w/ yourself-forcing yourself to go somewhere alone to do something special for yourself. Whether it's going thru Starbucks for a coffee by myself or wandering around Barnes and Noble by myself for 1/2 hr (sounds like heaven!) just to BE. This should be interesting since my life revolves around the kids-my needs haven't been looked into for 7 yrs! I'm not quite sure where to start-lol.
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