Monday, March 31, 2008

I'm so excited! I chatted on IM for awhile today with my aunt and cousin who are very talented quilters and we were talking about some cute ideas that would be so easy to sew...I think my cousin may start an ETSY shop as well! I think it would be great for her to do and easy concidering she's got the talent to whip up some neat things! We talked about lots of specialty items for children.....monogrammed aprons, humbug bags, taggie blankies,etc. I can't wait to see what she whips up! She is blaming me for the crazy amount of money she spent today on fabric-lol.

She also got a fire lit under my butt and got me to the quilt store for my first try at applique on Chloe's jeans-this should be Only issue now is I cannot get ahold of the fabric that I saw online that I LOVE but isn't carried in town. I hate waiting. I don't want to order and wait-sigh...Going to attempt to attach a pic of that awesome fabric-it's by Michael Miller...

I have also made the cutest glass alphabet beads the other day and will (hopefully tomorrow) make Chloe's necklace...I'm thinking about listing these alphabet beads on etsy as a custom order-they're so cute and I think once I get this all put together it will be precious! I'll post a pic once it's finished...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey your blog is great and yes I blame you for the money I spent today. Lets see if I can get my stuff made. Your stuff is amazing and I can't wait to see what else you make.