Wednesday, December 24, 2008

All I want for Christmas...

is my 2 front teeth-----to come in already for I could quit Oh and some jammies. Santa, I seem to have had a blowout.

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas from our house to yours. :)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

i think*i hope*i pray

that I'm done shopping for Xmas...I keep going over and over my list thinking I've forgotten something-but isn't it like that every year?

Wow, I've been hearing so many stories of it taking over 1/2 hr to get from one parking lot to the next or just that long to get OUT of a parking lot. I'm so thankful I'm finished and can officially stay in here (blogging-lol) in my pj's while 2 boys are snoring upstairs in a warm house. I'm watching the "wintery mix" out the window the weatherman is talking about on the tv right now.

We've gotten a big jump-start on wrapping each night when the kids are in bed. Only 1gift for Chloe has made it under the tree and you'd think it was a box of gold the way she is eyeballing it -so excited. She can't stop talking about that one little bitty gift-it's hilarious. If she only knew how many were in the basement. lol

There's been a few times in the past week that Santa (or the lack thereof) has been brought up in our house. Apparently a boy in her class announced that there is no Santa (what?) and that their parents lie and buy it all and wrap and sneak it under the tree when they're asleep. When asked what she believes she says (chuckle) that she DOES believe but she didn't tell him cos she didn't want to get into it. She says she KNOWS there's NO WAY her parents could afford all of that and that the whole idea is NUTS. Like my mp3 player from last year was in the HUNDREDSSSSS there's no way you could buy that for me! (um...try 29.95 cough cough but ok...)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Stupid people suck!

Open letter to the dumbass who hit my 2 yr old with her car in the doctor's parking lot this am:
Scrape your damn windows! How hard is it-really!? Look before you back out-you're in a PARKING LOT there may be PEOPLE walking by your CARRRRRRRR...

Ok I guess I'm done.

What an eventful morning!! So I go in for a checkup with the urologist to talk about the pathology of that nasty kidney stone and on the way in this lady just puts it in reverse and runs right into Gabe!!! (This kid-I'm thinking doesn't have the best of luck-huh?) Now honestly-I don't know how hard she really hit him...I screamed as I felt him going down while holding his hand-not sure if it was the car that pushed him or him slipping on the snow as he tried to get out of the way since it all happened so fast. I yanked him-hard-a couple feet and she stopped and just sat there. Oh ya- lady? Thanks for getting out or even cracking your window to ask if he was ok by the way...errrrrrrrrrr...

So I squat and brush the snow off of his ENTIRE BODY since I drug him out of the way and she sits there not moving-staring at us in horror thru the 5 inch swoosh of open glass she thinks is appropriate to brush off her drivers side window to see out. I give her the eye. I shake my head. I yell a couple choice words. She sits there. Says not a word. As we walk in I turn and look back a couple of times and she's still sitting there backed 1/2 way out. Probably shitting herself. I hope so.

The receptionist asks if it's slick out. I said ya but luckily I didn't slip when I had to yank him out from under the bumper of a car out there. That's when it happened. Oh boy.....tears galore!!!!! Total mama meltdown w/ bout...oh say...20? people staring at me?! She runs to get her boss and they wisk us back to an exam room and check Gabe out all over. I said the only thing hurting if any would be his shoulder from me yanking him as hard as I did...He's totally fine thank God and it could have been so much worse...Doesn't stop me from shaking like a leaf and bawling though...So in comes hospital security.....then a Spfld cop to take reports. mortified. No I didn't get her license plate. Dummy.

Oh ya in other news-wooooooooohoooooooooooooo I can't eat chocolate anymore! What's that you say? yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa CHOCOLATE you heard me right. Things are not right in thsi world today. He says the pathology shows it's dietary. Here's your list of food to avoid. I scroll down saying ah not bad,I don't drink soda,coffee,tea tofu? no problem...say whaaaaaaaa?????-does this say chocolate? You've gotta be kiddin me! God help me it's the holdiays!

Oh-and you should know-I brushed every*stinkin*snowflake off of each and every window of the van when we left!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So I'm typing away the other day and my screen goes dim-check my plugs, then find the light on the power box thingie on the cord is out. Trav has had to resolder some connections in there a few times-it had officially bit the dust.

So thank goodness that my brother in law has an old laptop he doesn't use often since he prefers his desktop. It's gotten us by for a few days to finish up some xmas shopping online and to order a new power source and also a new laptop(merry xmas to us, huh?)-so now we'll have 2-no more racing to see who gets to the computer first-lol. Seriously-we needed a new one so bad anyway-it runs sooooooooo slow.

I have been having some SERIOUS AOL-IM withdrawls here!I hate that I can't upload pics, no photoshop to work with, can't access my photos on the comp to make xmas gifts I had planned......that power cord better get here FAST! I have too much to do! **panic!!**

Ohhhhhhhhhh but in other GOOD news!! I went shopping tonite at that crazy Design Ideas holiday store they do every yr (gel gems galore...) and snagged some really cute candle sticks for the dining room. Everything else ended up to be display type stuff for jewelry...I don't get it-I went in looking for stocking stuffers and came out with these crazy looking glass contraptions-I think they were called "candle aquariums" anyhow,they're metal and have glass on all 3 sides bout 10 inches high-maybe 16 inches long or more...I am totally seeing them as jewelry displays. I bought 2...I wonder if I need to go back for more........eek! I think I Now I just have to fiddle around with how to make it into something...Sure wish I could post a picture *cough cough* and get ideas from others what I could do with them...soon enough...OHHHHHHHHHH I also got these huge humungous hot pink flowers for my front door! Come on spring! Hurry up and get here so I can put these puppies on my front door! lol.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Why am I excited over working?

I'll be working at the Art Association today until noon. Come visit me! What's that I hear? No diapers? No whining? No fighting? Adult interaction? Cool artwork? I am SO there. They may have to force me to leave.

Friday, December 5, 2008


Thank you so much to Miss Mary!!

I've mentioned Mary and her dad on here before. He makes these awesome wooden cars and she manages the whole shebang.

This was sent to Gabe as a gift to ease his little toofer pain-lol. She felt bad about his teeth getting knocked out. Here's a great shot of the infamous lack of teeth and his awesome racecar! If anyone has any little ones to shop for for Christmas please visit their Etsy shop for great gift ideas!

For Angela~

If you happen to be one of my parents

But honestly you probably won't pop on here anyway since you never seem to pay attention when I tell you guys you can come on here to see recent pix of the Oh well...

In any case-here ya go Angela-the finished project! I love how it turned out. Frame was 5.99 at TJ Maxx. Sorry-bought both they had-lol. My mother in law will get the same-except for her I plan to make xmas ornaments in the style of soldered photo charms-only larger-wallet size-ish...

I love how each one looks exactly like them-obvious who's who.

As far as how it's done-there are a couple different ways. The first way I heard was to take a profile pic then print, cut out carefully then paint black and paste onto white paper. Would probably have been easier and quicker than what I did in photoshop. I started w/ the magic wand and set to pure white and took out sections of the background as much as possible (best if profile has plain, light background w/ no shadows) then do the same for the head-except switch to black...then enlarged really big and switched to the paint brush to do detail work and the sections the wand didn't do-then do the magic wand again on both just to clean it up and make back and fore grounds uniform in color...

Make sense? Any questions just ask! :) I'd say it took close to an hr or a little less on each.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

One went missing...

So Gabe will wear his Santa hat all day long-in fact he tried to wear it to a doctor appointment yesterday. Can I get him to jump in for a simple photo with it on? Ya right...I got these 2 little elves to sit still for me for a few minutes at least. :)

Here's Sawyer all decked out in his Christmas shirt. He just turned 6 months. So hard to believe.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What does YOUR wild side look like?

I love this new blog I stumbled across! It's an elementary art teacher who posts projects on her blog for kids to do from her classroom. She's even got them seperated by grade level or medium. Chloe and I sat and scrolled through and picked one out to try the other day and here is the one we tried~

You're supposed to draw a line down the center of the paper and draw your calm side and your wild side.It was actually pretty difficult for Chloe to do (notice she's got 2 noses lol) Evidentally my wild side has huge nostrils-who knew?

In other news-my silhouette frames turned out AWESOME if I do say so myself. I have been cheesin out over how great they turned out :) Two gifts many to go? ack! lol