Sunday, November 1, 2009


It's that time again!

We had a full day yesterday-always so much to do on Halloween.

First off was a photo shoot over at Angela's. She was nice enough to ask me to set up a display of my jewelry over at her studio space during her Halloween shoot. I can't wait to see the kids' picture-it's gotta be 100x better than mine. I can't get them all to look at me at once and someone's always fussing...
Case in point:

Chloe had a big halloween/birthday party to head to afterwards and got to do lots of fun things-including playing fear factor-lol. She made it sound like she didn't really participate much and was pretty grossed out.

The best part always is to meander around the neigborhood with neighbors then letting them play outside in the dark for awhile before heading in. The night always ends with grandparents stopping by before the pj's go on.

Do anything fun for Halloween?

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