Sunday, November 29, 2009

Goodies in the shop!

I've been busy finally listing items from the sale. Here are a few cuties I put on Etsy last night.

These post earrings are a fun alternative for people who don't like to wear danglie earrings

Purple and Teal dots

Teal and Ivory dots

Petite periwinkle flowers

A great Christmas gift idea!......Just sayin'....;)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Let the listing begin!

Ok so I've been pretty lazy about listing on Etsy lately...Now that I've got some settings down on the camera and got some decent pictures I've decided it was time.

Just love this bracelet...:)

Maybe I'll trickle in some more listings tonite if I get a chance.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I've been meaning to show this all week! Here is the kid's picture from the halloween photo shoot that my friend Angela Wright had. What a great idea...and looking through her gallery from that day there were quite some imaginative costumes! I loved looking through them...

photo courtesty of Angela Wright Photography

This picture is so stinkin' cute...Of coarse I'm biased...

If you're from the area I recommend you checking her out!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Holiday Hall

I had a great time working at the Art Association on Saturday! I loved wandering in there~I swear I'd see something different each time around. It was neat to see what different people would pick out. There's some really neat handmade stuff in there!

I was so busy talking to the nice man working with me the entire time I forgot I had my camera until we were closing up for the day-oops. So I took this quick shot on my way out the door...I should have run over to take pictures of where my items were displayed! Oh well-live and learn.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ahh-to go there again...

We rented My Life in Ruins last night. Looooooved it. Not really for the story line-although it was kinda cute...but the scenery! Ohhhhh the scenery!!

Anyone else who's been to Greece knows what I'm talking about. I almost felt like I was there...And they showed so many places we'd been. I wanted to cry. I wanted to be there again. And I swear the crappy hotel scene was the nasty place we'd stayed in-lol.

In other news: I'm working at the Holiday Hall at the Art Association today. If anyone local is out and about today stop by to say hi between 12-3 :)

I'll be the one wearing the black A wax seal necklace ;) hehe

Friday, November 20, 2009

While I'm at it~

I keep putting off taking pictures of my jewelry since I end up getting frusterated...but me thinks me figured out the settings on the camera! (hope I'm not jinxing...)

Anyhow, here are a handful of wax seal pendants I have leftover from the show. I *love* these!! I wear my teal one all the time...but I'm thinking about snagging the black 'A' up in front there...hehe.

If anyone is interested they run $17 as well. Have a great evening! :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Just the beginning...

Well, we're quickly jumping into winter. My dreaded season. I'm already mourning my last class for the Artist's Way- which ended last night. The 2nd session picks up in mid-March. I was so looking forward to it jumping back in in January but the group decided to hold off a few months.

Jan-March is my yucky time. Easy to admit. I get the winter blahs like nobody's business...

One thing the class has really helped me with is finding joy in the little things. I plan to work on this daily. It's also helped me to organize my thoughts a little better, prioritize my time and get in touch with myself-seeing myself from the outside-in.

On that note~ I love this quote from my notebook...

"In order to have self expression, we must first have a self to express"
Pretty much sums up alot.

And because I hate blogging without a picture here's a peek at a few of the little initial pendants I whipped up for the Panther Creek show. I've gotten quite a few orders for these for Christmas. If anyone's interested give me a call or email. They average half inch give or take with a sterling saucer on the bottom, a swarovski crystal to top it off and strung on sterling wire. These are the ones I have left right now but could always make others in your choice of color. They run $17.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


When I'd heard this past weekend was going to be in the 70's we jumped at the chance to spend the entire day outside. We had planned to go to Allerton Park in Monticello for Trav's birthday a few weeks back but that's when I ended up with pneumonia so it got sidetracked-then got cold. The only thing that could have made the day better was if leaves were still on the trees. It made for lots of great crunching as we walked the trails though :)

Here are some of my favorite pictures of the day....

What a perfect spot to choose to have our picnic, huh? Ahhh....

I think this was called the Fu Dog Garden.

Love this. Just love it.

I'm missing one...Guess he was in the stroller.

I just loved this shot of her.

Gabe was so proud of walking on fallen trees. He had a blast in the woods but was a little bummed he didn't come across any animals.


We scaled way up on a huge tree that had fallen. A good photo spot evidenally-a photographer had been staked out there as well.

Here's the daredevils now on the tree......

Just love this shot of them. Wish we could have gotten one with all of us up there-but honesly I just can't move that fast for my timer-lol. (honey-I really need a wireless Canon remote for the camera! *hint*)

Sweeties. The garden we were in at the time was absolutely covered in those biting japanese beetles. Those suckers were all over us for most of the day chomping away. This garden had huge white pillars in the sun as you walked in from all four sides-and they were coated with those bugs...Gabe has now conquered his fear of the ladybug.

Here's a shot of the whole family. Glad we finally found a spot that we could do it-I'm always behind the camera. I really have no pictures of me with my kids!
I'm so glad we jumped at the chance to slow down and spend the whole day together. It's really been awhile since I've gotten out and been close to nature like that. It makes me want to explore other options for hiking around here-although I admit I was pulling up the rear just like in Gatlinburg when we hiked up to the falls-lol...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I survived!

The fine arts boutique at Panther Creek went off without a hitch. This was my very first official show. I've done 2 years at the Art Association's Holiday Hall but since that is a month long sale w/o working the entire time I don't count that so much...

Luckily I had my friend Cindy there to help me out. She's so much fun and a really hard worker.(I call her my "muscle") I'd had my tables and displays set up in our dining room ahead of time so I was able to just zip through setting everything right where I wanted it. We breezed right through set up and were there from 9am-7:30 pm. Long day. An interesting learning experience that's for sure! I'm sure I'll be changing up my displays as I go...

Here's my table...My old friend from high school, Christy Freeman, was at the table to my right. it was a blast having all day to kick back and talk about old times and catch up. It was like no time had passed at all. SO much fun!

Here's a picture of Cindy. She'll kill me for putting a picture of her on here-lol. It's so blurry tho. The lighting was a bit dim but it was a cozy atmosphere. It was quite busy right after they opened so I tucked the camera away-meaning to get some of me and Christy, a shot of her booth and around the room but I totally forgot I had it with me!
I was approached by the NICEST woman about joining Prairie Art Alliance. I'm curious what it's all about and need to look into it. She sent an invite for a gallery opening this evening but I couldn't make it...But it would have been the perfect opportunity to check it out.

I have to work on my inventory for the Art Association Holiday Hall due by Monday. I always have the hardest time choosng what to send since it's a limited amount of items they'll allow into the sale. Better get to work......

Thursday, November 5, 2009

It's time!

I know I've been really bad at blogging lately. I've been super busy building inventory for my first offical art sale.

Tomorrow is the day!

I started this whole journey filled with tons of anxiety. Now I'm actually pretty excited about it! I think that says something...

Sunday, November 1, 2009


It's that time again!

We had a full day yesterday-always so much to do on Halloween.

First off was a photo shoot over at Angela's. She was nice enough to ask me to set up a display of my jewelry over at her studio space during her Halloween shoot. I can't wait to see the kids' picture-it's gotta be 100x better than mine. I can't get them all to look at me at once and someone's always fussing...
Case in point:

Chloe had a big halloween/birthday party to head to afterwards and got to do lots of fun things-including playing fear factor-lol. She made it sound like she didn't really participate much and was pretty grossed out.

The best part always is to meander around the neigborhood with neighbors then letting them play outside in the dark for awhile before heading in. The night always ends with grandparents stopping by before the pj's go on.

Do anything fun for Halloween?