These post earrings are a fun alternative for people who don't like to wear danglie earrings
A great Christmas gift idea!......Just sayin'....;)
photo courtesty of Angela Wright Photography
This picture is so stinkin' cute...Of coarse I'm biased...
If you're from the area I recommend you checking her out!
Anyone else who's been to Greece knows what I'm talking about. I almost felt like I was there...And they showed so many places we'd been. I wanted to cry. I wanted to be there again. And I swear the crappy hotel scene was the nasty place we'd stayed in-lol.
In other news: I'm working at the Holiday Hall at the Art Association today. If anyone local is out and about today stop by to say hi between 12-3 :)
I'll be the one wearing the black A wax seal necklace ;) hehe
What a perfect spot to choose to have our picnic, huh? Ahhh....
I think this was called the Fu Dog Garden.
I'm missing one...Guess he was in the stroller.
Here's a picture of Cindy. She'll kill me for putting a picture of her on here-lol. It's so blurry tho. The lighting was a bit dim but it was a cozy atmosphere. It was quite busy right after they opened so I tucked the camera away-meaning to get some of me and Christy, a shot of her booth and around the room but I totally forgot I had it with me!
I was approached by the NICEST woman about joining Prairie Art Alliance. I'm curious what it's all about and need to look into it. She sent an invite for a gallery opening this evening but I couldn't make it...But it would have been the perfect opportunity to check it out.
I have to work on my inventory for the Art Association Holiday Hall due by Monday. I always have the hardest time choosng what to send since it's a limited amount of items they'll allow into the sale. Better get to work......
Chloe had a big halloween/birthday party to head to afterwards and got to do lots of fun things-including playing fear factor-lol. She made it sound like she didn't really participate much and was pretty grossed out.
The best part always is to meander around the neigborhood with neighbors then letting them play outside in the dark for awhile before heading in. The night always ends with grandparents stopping by before the pj's go on.
Do anything fun for Halloween?