Thursday, May 20, 2010

Vacation shots-Part 3

You don't see this sight in the water very often...
This was near where we ate on the water at John's Pass. I just like textures/patinas going on here...
Uncle JR and Aunt bernie loaded the kids up with Bubba Gump gear. How cute is he with his hat turned around? Rosy cheeked boy...

I love all the funny signs you come across down there. We ate outside by the water and boy-those birds were relentless! They attacked the table next to us as soon as the people paid their bill and left. Gabe chased the birds away and the owner said she might just have a job for him...;)


The pelican who waited patiently near our table.

Down by the shops Gabe spots a man with a cocketeil riding on his shoulder. (Is that how you spell that?) Anyway-the guy was so nice and goofy and let it crawl all over the kids. Gabe was a bit nervous since he said it was pinching him with it's claws.

The next thing you know the man scoops up the bird and shoves it's head in his mouth!
It shocked Gabe and got a huge belly laugh out of him.

The next morning after breakfast we headed down to the Seabird Sanctuary. We hadn't been there since Gabe was Sawyer's age. He's such an animal lover we knew we'd have to make a trip. Forgot how stinky it is...whew!

This poor little guy.....he's missing his top beak! I wonder what happened to him? We watched the guy with the fish come out to feed and he had to hand feed this guy and help get them in his mouth. :(

The view from the ocean side of the sanctuary. So pretty and calm.

Cutting back through to the parking lot from the beach Chloe and I got a little surprise. Here we are in the bathroom cleaning it out of our shirts and hair.....sigh.

The rest of the day was spent at the beach and pool-resting for our trip to Busch Gardens the next day....
Guess you know what pics will be posted tomorrow...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Our vacation in photos....Part 2

See what I mean? Fearless. That kid was jumping in so much the water wings went on asap after this. Not that I trust them much but made me feel a smidge better.

Dinnertime before getting dressed for the wedding. Crabby Bill's. Gabe loved the huge crab on the roof and screamed Crabby Billlllllllllllls each time we drove by.

I love whoever thought of resteraunts having crayons on hand....

Gosh, I already miss daily seafood!!

They have a photographer come around and take your picture then charge you an outragious amount to print it in the back room to take home. I asked her while she was at it to use my camera as well. (she made it far away and wonky. little did she know I could fix that...)

Anyhow, here's all 5 of us plus Nana and Uncle Tyler who joined us down there for the wedding.

(*take a good look at Gabe's face-lol)

On to the wedding.....centerpieces of seashells and pretty.

A really unusual and funky cake they had made. Pineapple too-yummmmmm!

I wish I had taken more pictures of the dessert table...They had an evening dessert reception. Anything you could think of-chocolate covered strawberries, little raspberry cobbler bites, mini key lime pies, mini coffee cake bars....that's only a

Helloooooooo white chocolate seashells with graham sand!!!!!
How cool is that-really??!! I had to do a double take. I thought it was only decoration!

Guitar player sat up front to play beforehand and to walk down the aisle...nice touch. Each time I'd go to take his picture he's sit up a little straighter-funny.

Playing with editing pics for Tyler's facebook page-lol.

Me and my gorgeous daughter-who came home all cocoa brown...Can you believe she's only 8? No, I'm not short-she's crazy tall!

Thinking the print on this dress is making me look a little pregnant.....hmmmm. No-I am not.

Our view slightly to the right as they said I do...

Joe and Nicole
(had to grab from this angle since the photog had them busy)

Here are the 5 of us with Nana and Uncle Tyler afterwards again

And an outtake for you as well. Most would come out like this-lol.

Nicole-looking gorgeous with her dad...

Wish I'd gotten a good one of her and Joe.

If I could do our whole wedding thing over I'd do it this way. On the beach at sunset? Perfect weather? Small and intimate? Oh ya-in a heartbeat.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Our vacation in photos....Part 1

There's going to be quite a few pictures in these next few days. I'll just toss some of the cuter ones on here.

We wento down to the Clearwater Florida area for a family wedding. Travis' cousin, Nicole, got married at sunset on the beach. It was a gorgeous, perfect evening...more on that later...
We stopped in Metropolis to visit Superman.....

Trav and I got makeovers...My head didn't get screwed on straight though.

An interesting picture of all the superman guys. I didn't realise we'd actually had that many.

Passing through Nashville....awful. Most exits were closed w/ police directing on the highway. There were people pulled over on the side here and there taking pictures. Actually SEEING the flooding that Chloe had heard about really hit home for her. Really sad. And I'm sure this area was only the tip of the iceberg.

We had to stop at the gorgeous Tennessee rest area we always stop at. It's on the lake with picnic spots all over and wooded, shady and a great place to let the kids run and stretch their legs.

The night we got into Florida we went to Nicole and Joe's house for their wedding rehearsal that they held in their backyard. This is her father walking her down the "aisle". During rehearsal they married under their grapefruit tree. How cool to have that in your backyard :)

Afterwards we ran over to catch the sunset at the beach across from our condo.
Gabe~starting to collect seashells for his classmates. Love this picture.

Gabe's one of those texture sensitive people so it took awhile for him to warm up to the sand on his feet but then he got over it and had a blast playing in it. Sawyer on the other hand is Mr. Fearless and went crazy out there. He LOVED the sand. Digging, rolling, piling-you name it. Not scared of the water either-unlike Gabe who only got in at the very edge.
Fine by me actually-my heart can only handle 1 fearless little person at a time!
Me and Trav's toes...

More tomorrow!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

This is the life...

Oh yes it is...Wish this tiny moment lasted a wee bit longer but with 3 little ones to chase I'll grab what little I can get!

Back next week with I'm sure what is going to be some very picture heavy posts! See ya then....