Monday, June 8, 2009

Sugar Highs

Thank goodness the leftover cake is almost gone. The arguing over who gets James and who gets Percy on the cake picture is about to do me in. I can't rid of this sugar headache either-lol.

We had a nice long weekend. My brother and nephew came in from North Carolina to visit. We also had Sawyer's 1st birthday on Saturday and had family come by for a cookout. The weather turned out really pretty.

I was able to get to the workbench and solder some earring backs as well. It was nice to feel like I was able to accomplish something! I'm hoping to have a few pair of earrings to list on etsy soon-maybe after vacation...:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WHAT??? Sawyer is 1? GTFOH! HOW did that happen? Didn't you JUST have him a few weeks ago? NOT possible!!!

Please tell that scrumptious little dude that his cyber auntie Mary says Happy Birthday!

XOXO, Mary