It looks like we're going to have lots of rain and dreariness over the next few days-leftovers from Hurricane Gustav. Bummer since I was meaning to take a few pictures of things I've been working on- but w/o the sun to help me out the pics will look crappy-sooooo...the next few days I'm going to blog about stuff we've done recently, etc. Today's I think will be showing my workspace since I cleaned and took pictures last week... :)
I just love this room-and even more-I love that Travis finished this space with me in mind. It's in a bump out area that overlooks the front porch and yard. It gets gorgeous morning sun (I wish I could find morning time to work in there!) is right off the living room-so I am always connected to the kids. Gabe's new train track has made it's way to the opposite end of the sunroom down by our desk area-but I'm not showing that end of the room-it's not finished the way I'd like it-yet!
On the left is my lampworking area where you see my torch and kiln. I am running off of natural gas and an oxygen concentrator-(under the desk)
The cabinet on the left holds all of my hazardous liquids,etc that need to be locked up from little fingers-the cabinets on the left hold leftover glass supply and all my glass tools-tweezers, dental picks, didy glasses, marvers,etc... The tall cabinet houses all my bead organizers, sterling stock, some painting supplies and all of my heavier tools like my dapping block and dappers, disk cutter,etc.
On the right is my metals workbench and currently where I put everything together as well (hopefully once a new desk is built at the office end I can move down there to spread out to put everything together!) I've got my soldering iron and torch, pickle pot, all my wire wrapping tools, bead and supply organizer Trav just gave me from the garage and the big paper pile is my idea notebooks and scraps of paper I've doodled on when I wake up in the middle of the night w/ an idea...
All my stamping tools, hammers, files,etc are in the Ikea drawers underneath. On top of it is my tumbler. The kids' easel stands to the right for when they feel like getting creative too.
Hope you enjoyed your tour. Better wrap this up before Gabe hits another button and makes me start this over for the 3rd time-lol...
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