Thursday, March 25, 2010

{Just me and him}

An impromptu date was in order. I'd been out of state for 4 days-my first time away from any of them not counting when I was in the hospital to have each of them...

It seemed to affect Gabe the most-acting out towards me once I was home. I decided he needed some one on one mom time...

So we hit McD's for vanilla cones (before dinner!)....

Man, the kid needs a haircut!!

Gonna steal it... :)

And I brought Daddy's old duck call so we could go by the duckpond at the park. Quacking at them is about as good as feeding them it seemed...

Did some sliding.

And some spinning.

And more spinning....

Lots of sliding and swinging.

So glad we ran out to do this yesterday. We both needed it.
As I type I'm listening to the wind and rain hit the windows and wondering if there isn't a little hail mixed in-it's loud! Making it a very lazy day around here...Yawn!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

~Spring is in the air~

It's been awhile since I've posted.....and it's been way too long since I've done any jewelry posts.
I have no good excuse. I just hate winter and tend to curl up into myself...

I grabbed a few minutes when the sun was {finally} out to take some jewelry shots. Yes, they could be better but I did what I could do...

I've been sitting on some pieces all winter and haven't posted them on Etsy. Why? Wish I knew. Maybe the beginnings of spring is lighting a fire under me... :)

There is a free business card promo going on over at MOO for Etsy shops that I thought I'd take advantage of. Hense, one more reason for some photos.

I'll try to add this sweet little flower cuff in my Etsy shop later on today...unless I snag it for myself. ;)

eta: it's now in my Etsy shop!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Send some extra fun...

Ok, so I admit-I'm totally old-school when it comes to wrapping kids birthday gifts. The Sunday comics. What would we do without them? My mom always wrapped with them and I guess it rubbed off... And after Chloe's first year of preschool with 15+ birthday parties -the handmade birthday cards became awfully handy too. I just can't imagine dumping all that money into wrapping paper and cards!

Here we have a picture of Gabe and his neighbor friend...It was taken in November and he had his birthday party last week. It was one of those last minute neighborhood things... so I scrounged for the comics (yea! we had some!) and whipped up a quickie card for him.

There are many free photo editing sites that let you convert your photo to a pencil sketch. I thought this would be a great little "extra gift" for him to be able to color-- and it's personalised!

Check out some of these sites for fun editing...

and send me a link if you end up editing something fun! I'd love to see...the possibilities are endless :)