Thursday, October 14, 2010

Around the house yesterday...

Crisp fall leaves are are starting to fall in our front yard~

Sawyer looks around to match the leaves with the trees and tries to reattach them~

I love the crunching sound when I walk outside~
{but my allergies hate this time of year!}

Color in the backyard~

View from the front yard pointing up~

The biggest spider I've ever found at our house has taken up residence on our porch...

What's in front of me when at the computer~
Just look at how much Chloe's face is changing!

What I see when I'm torching~

Pretty colors all organized~

The retro halloween decor Chloe dug up in Nana's basement~
Cracks me up-it's all over the house...

One of my favorite antiques~but it scares the bejeezus out of the kids.
Flip doll-it has Grandma on the other side of the Big Bad Wolf and Red Riding Hood is at the other end when you flip it over. I thought it would be fun to set out for H'Ween...

A huge vat of veggie beef soup w/ a crusty loaf of italian bread for dinner...

It was a great day for being outside, leaf piles, having friends over and just chilly enough for soup to be perfect!

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