*Been taking an online "class" to teach me more about my camera.
*The above shot was my fave from this week's aperature assignment.
*My 4 yr old is trying to play WII right now-a little unsucessfully i might add.
*Chloe just called to inform me we forgot about picture retake day.oops.
*It's her first day back after being sick.
*I'm sick of everyone being sick.
*I think I'm getting sick.
*I'm sick of getting 9 allergy shots each week.
*I think I'll get out of shots today since I'm feeling like I'm getting sick.
*Made some cuuuuute pendants in metals lab last night.
*Little things like that make me happy.
*Been readying the house for Christmas.
*Getting ready for a holiday open house for my jewelry.
*Stressing out over little things for the open house.
*Trying to let go of those little things. Not easy but I'm working on it.
*Excited that Trav's aunt and uncle from Florida will be here on Friday for Thanksgiving!
*Stressing out over my hosue since they're coming-lol.
*Again, trying to let that go.
*My coffee was perfect this morning :) But now I need to brush my teeth again.
*I have a visitation to attend tonite that will be very hard to go to.
*I know they're all very hard but it's for a child.
*I need to go hug my boys now